I absolutely love being feminine! Femininity is a superpower for women. Can you imagine the world being void of softness and creativity that feminine energy brings? It would be absolute chaos. When a woman is operating in her femininity, she has the wisdom of the universe.
Some say that many women lack femininity and are too aggressive. In some cases, this may be true. Could it be the fact that mothers’ push their daughters to be independent while coddling their sons’? As a result, the girls take on more masculine energy. Many mothers did not teach their daughters how to be feminine because they were never taught themselves.
One thing is for sure most women grasp the nurturing aspect of femininity when it comes to their children. We do have a few bad apples though. Every now and then you will hear of a mom putting her children to death, but for the most part such acts are rare. Many women are good care takers.
Femininity is about being a lady. This can encompass the way we walk and talk. Another aspect is demonstrating compassion and care to others. This does not mean we have to be doormats and let people walk on us. One can still be assertive when needed and check a fool when they get out of line.
Feminine women have an innate way of understanding and being vulnerable when necessary. No other species has the depth of thought than a woman. This is probably why we can become emotional at times. One thing is for sure being feminine is not a weakness. A woman standing in her power is at her finest!