Have you ever sat and thought about the selection of men we have to choose from in the free world? I bet many can agree “What a waste.” It’s like going through the trash and picking the least tainted. Should I take the snot rag or the shitted handkerchief? Hell no! How about leaving it all there and having what you deserve, the best. The best definitely won’t be inside or anywhere in the vicinity of garbage.
To select the best mate for marrying requires the practice of hypergamy. The goal is to “marry up” by pursuing and attracting males of a higher class, income or social status. We have to take accountability ladies and be honest with ourselves by knowing what we really want. I agree and respect the feminist thought to change the social perspective of injustice and oppression against women. On the other hand, too, much equality is disrupting the family structure. Especially in many minority cultures.
Many ladies have become so independent that they don’t need a man. Most have titles, degrees, and salaries that allow them to take care of themselves. But what happens when good old father time comes a knocking at your door. The day when you get the inkling to want a high quality conscious valued man; whom you can raise a family with. One who takes care of everything that’s you and allows you to be that feminine adored vessel that you naturally are.
Is it so wrong to have a life of ease? One day you may not want to chase a bag any longer. You could wake up and not want to punch a clock. You may want to just be soft, cared for, and loved. A hypergamous mindset will not only give you these things but a man who is secure in his role to give to you freely with pride. Because after all you are a precious gem.